Sunday, October 13, 2019

Can Science and Religion Co-exist? Essay -- Religion

Science and theology have diverged lines amongst several of the world’s phenomenon with the two greatest differences being human and world development. Although there are differences in the beliefs of these two groups, they are ultimately attempting to solve the same puzzles that consume the minds of members of both disciplines. In the end one might say, both disciplines are working to solve two different puzzles that may be really different, but ultimately are aspects of the same puzzle. Both the method and the aims of science and religion seem to be different. Science is considered to be more linked to the material aspect of all things, where religion is concerned with the spiritual. These are just two of the differences to be discussed in this paper, as I attempt to answer the question of â€Å"Can science and religion co-exist?† Science and religion both create feelings ranging from suspicion, distrust, and conflict to those of respect, tolerance, and conciliation. The feelings created are often dependent on an individual’s level of involvement with the corresponding discipline of study. Extremist in either discipline would be most likely to develop the negative feelings listed above, while those with knowledge of both studies would lean towards the feelings associated with respect and tolerance. Another group of individuals who would typically respect and tolerate the beliefs of both studies are those nestled in the roots of the rabbit’s fur (Gaarder, 2007). These would be those who are content living their daily lives not looking to solve the unknown questions of the world’s development. The contradiction amongst science and religion is found between those who look to find the missing pieces of the puzzle through means of myt... ... co-exist peacefully through conciliation is preferred, and for the most part is the norm. Works Cited Sickler, B. (2009). Conflicts Between Science and Religion, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 2/27/12 from Shaikh, A.B. (2011). Science and Religion at the Crossroads: Conflict or Conciliation? Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science, No. 9, July 2011. Dennett, D.C. (2011). Science and Religion: Are They Compatible? Oxford University Press. Deem, R. (2006). Does the Bible Say God Created the Universe in Six 24-Hour Days? Retrieved 2/26/12 from Gaarder, J. (2007). Sophies World. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC. Palmer, D. (2010). Looking at Philosophy: The Unbearable Heaviness of Philosophy Made Lighter, 5th ed.. McGraw-Hill.

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